Hi there, since it’s very busy lately this will probably be my one of my shortest articles ever. Maybe that’s a good thing, because now you don’t have an excuse not to read it. It’s short, compact and maybe you will learn a thing or two.

The problem

The article is all about making sure our HTTP calls don’t die on bad connections, since strangely enough, 404 responses can kill your application when using RxJS.

Remember that RxJS observables have 3 types of events right?

  • next: passing in a new value into the observable
  • error: when an error occurs
  • complete: When the observable is completed

We should not forget that an Error event will actually stop the observable. It will cease to exist.

You might say: “That’s not that bad, we’ll just create a new one every time we want to fetch data”.

When you are approaching your application the reactive way, this scenario might be problematic: Imagine a typeahead search where we want to retrieve results for every input value. We have an observable of searchterms and we trigger the HTTP request for every value using a switchMap.

// this observable contains the values
// of what the user is searching for
// over time
const searchTerm$: Observable<string>;

// when the term receives a new value...
// go fetch some data
const results$ = searchTerm$.pipe(
    switchMap(term => fetchData(term))

// subscribe to the observable to start listening
results$.subscribe((response: Result[]) => {

This all works fine, until an error happens in the observable. This could come from a bad connection, server down-time or anything that went wrong during the HTTP request (500, 404, …) If the user is having a bad connection which might result in a 404, the observable will stop and the application will be broken. The user can search for results as much as he or she wants, the HTTP calls will never happen again.


We could use the catchError operator that will basically catch the error for us, and return a brand new observable(containing the error). That observable will have the error as a value, instead of throwing it again as an error. That way we could actually show the user a decent message. This might look something like this:

const results$ = searchTerm$.pipe(
    switchMap(term => 
            // return an observable with the error inside
            catchError(e => of(e))
    (response: Result[] | HttpErrorResponse) => {
        if(response instanceof HttpErrorResponse){
            console.log('oh no:(');
        console.log('do something fancy');

Ps: I’m not trying to say that this is the best idea to catch errors. I’m just showing you around some basics.

Do note that the catchError operator is applied to the result observable that fetchData() returns, and not added as the second operator of the first pipe. From the moment an observable receives an error, it will die… That’s why it’s important to catch the error on the inner observable.


Ok, great! The application won’t break anymore, but now imagine the following scenario: Our user is sitting in the train and drives through a tunnel. The connection is gone for a few seconds and the user won’t get results.

We could fix that by telling RxJS to retry a few times

const results$ = searchTerm$.pipe(
    switchMap(term => 
            retryWhen(e$ => e$.pipe(
                // try again after 2 seconds
                // stop trying after 5 times
            // still keep the observable alive if
            // the first 5 times fail
            catchError(e => of(e))

You can find more information about retryWhenhere

Using the online event

Even though this is a good solution, there is room for improvement. A great choice is to use the online event from HTML5 to tell the browser to retry when the user regains internet connection. It’s even shorter than before and it’s super elegant

const results$ = searchTerm$.pipe(
    switchMap(term => 
            retryWhen(() => fromEvent(window, 'online'))
            // still keep the observable alive if
            // the server would return a different
            // HTTP error
            catchError(e => of(e))


RxJS gives us great control over HTTP calls! If we know how error handling works it becomes a breeze to take our HTTP calls to the next level. This doesn’t only apply to typeahead searches but to every observable where we combine an existing stream with an error-affected one like HTTP. For instance: this can also happen in NgRx effects or with the angular router.

There, I told you it would be short, I hope you learned something though.

Also be sure to check this article: Power of RxJS when using exponential backoff

Special thanks
